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Writer's pictureTim Revis

Director Journal 2: It is Starting to Feel Real

SpongeBob Musical by Decatur Underground Theater.
We have some graphics made for the show now!

Monday April 29, 2024

Today I was able to get the scripts for the show and it all feels more real. Holding the script in my hand it went from an idea to a tangible thing.  SpongeBob The Musical is now about six months away and I am both nervous and really excited.  Nervous because this musical has a lot of action and movement and for it to work the way I want it to there will be a lot of moving parts on the stage.  To keep it funny and in the spirit of the cartoon but not busy and distracting will be a very fine line to walk.  The to-do list is long and seems to get longer after  brainstorming with the production team instead of getting shorter. Putting on a show that you hope audiences will love, much like any passion project, is a 24/7 ordeal.  I am sure my family is already tired of listening to the Broadway soundtrack of the show and most times I have a conversation with them it will end up getting back to SpongeBob.  I have work and many other obligations in life but the show is on my mind constantly. 

Decatur Underground Theater script for SpongeBob
My script, you can tell it has already been used a lot!

Although I am not as nervous as I could be because Decatur Underground Theater has a great production staff working on this show.  Every person that is working on the show is great at what they do and I don’t have any worries that we will all put together some amazing stuff.  It is not even May yet and I can’t wait to see the props, lighting, dancing, singing, costumes and videos we are going to make.  A director’s job is much easier when you have a staff that are talented and you trust.  I trust every single person that will be working with Decatur Underground Theater 100% and that makes my life a lot easier.  I still might be thinking about the show all the time, but it is more exciting dreaming of how awesome a musical I think this is going to be! 

Ryan Rinchiuso is directing the SpongeBob Musical with Sandra Revis. He will be updating this blog on how the show is proceeding throughout the time of the show.

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